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An amazin Physicians consulting with a patient

A Model of Medicine

"Behind the scene, there is a whole team in Medicine who share a common purpose that makes our amazing work humanely possible in Medicine: Therefore, we are never alone in our return to Health where Love ultimately restores the Truth of our divine body"

(Sam Kim)


Having arrived in Australia with only a handful of personal belongings as the youngest son of a humble migrant family, Sam was inspired to study Medicine while growing up in the beauty-full nature of our tropical Far North Queensland.  He wondered "why so much human suffering in this amazing country of ours which has everything?"  So, a vocation in Particle Physics gave away to Medicine since the age of 17.


After dedicating to Physician Training in major teaching hospitals around Queensland and a period of research training under the mentorship of several superb Physicians, Sam qualified as a Respiratory Physician in 2005 and continues his ongoing journey as a committed student and teacher of Medicine and Healing.


Having completed additional postgraduate training in Interventional Pulmonology (since 2006), Public Health & Epidemiology (since 2012), Business Management (2014), Universal Healing modalities (since 2006), Sleep Medicine (2016) and Law (January 2018 to November 2021), his lifelong vocational interests include psycho-cognitive aspects of sleep and lung diseases, minimally invasive endoscopic treatments of advanced lung diseases, research in population epidemiology, legal reforms in the era of Functional Medicine, and public education for prevention of chronic diseases. 


Of many timeless wisdom felt, learnt and embraced with all of his being through the mentorship of great teachers, Sam shares the following brief summary of Medicine that he practises every single day:


"People have asked what my definition of 'Integration' of Medicine and Healing is.  After learning and mastering each aspect of the Sciences relevant to practising the 

Art of Medicine,

I finally came to a single humble conclusion....

My model of 'true' Integrative Medicine is actually Medicine, yet far expanded in its full diagnostic potential because love of God aligns how one practises Medicine and not the self-desire of a human goal that is based on perceptions, ideologies and long-held framework of science that no longer serves all people equally. Medicine is forever divine because its sole purpose is to heal"

(Sam Kim, circa 2016)


Every disease has an underlying 'root cause' while revealing physical and non-physical imprint(s) that can be felt in the living human body through the natural inter-connectedness of the Physician and the Patient: While Medicine naturally allows this to occur, the process is far expanded through the mutual respect formed through love and compassion of one human being for another.


"Future of Medicine is in its global predictive perspective to the whole person care beyond what we can diagnose in the visible physical body alone.... it is to be the Medicine of the Whole Being"

(Sam Kim, writing for a Book yet to be published)


When addressing serious illnesses and/or diseases, timely diagnosis and proactive treatment are paramount, typically before the lungs are scarred irreversibly even when the initial scans and blood tests are seemingly benign, as all diseases are in their natural timing of evolution.  Accordingly, the Physician's role is to lovingly support self-healing and to always uphold human dignity, and see there are hidden forces at play that influences the evolution of human illness and disease.


"Our practice is a visible example of how Medicine is practised through transparency and integrity in everyday care of clients beyond the geographical, cultural, religious and philosophical differences in what the different forms of Medicine is thought and believed to be"

(Sam Kim, circa February 2017, Sydney)


It is only a matter of time that the stories tens of thousands who have returned to health of their lungs will far outweigh the brief celebrations by those who would seek comfort in the suffering of humanity through illness and disease while living a human life with breath that does not inspire love in another.


"While our current Laws have limitations, like all human disciplines and pursuits of the learned mind, our love and truth far transcend the unfathomable depth of corruption at all levels of both seen and unseen, as these are fully documented, written and soon will be exposed for all to see"

(Sam Kim, 10 July 2018)


"It was always about people and I could serve their true purpose"

(Jasna Kim)


My dearest wife and practice manager, Jasna has immense vocational experiences in counselling, TAFE teaching, vocational training, human resource management, quality assurance, small business operations, individual and group facilitation with her background in Psychology (BA, University of New England). Having completed a Diploma of Chakra Puncture through the Evolve College (2017), she continues as a fully accredited practitioner and a dedicated student of Universal Healing modalities.  As an active member of the Australian Association of Practice Management (AAPM), Jasna is currently training in additional postgraduate programs in Practice Management and Counselling.


"Whether some would see me as qualified or not,

my love for relationship with people have not wavered in

my understanding of how people perceive by

running away from Truths"

(Jasna Kim)


Also from a humble migrant background, her family left Croatia to find a new way of life away from the evolving civil unrest when Jasna was 2 years of age. Her gorgeous mother (my mother-in-law) also shares the angelic twinkles in her eyes. Even to this day, these two divinely amazing women deeply care for people through innate wisdom that can only derive from lifetimes of love and humility.


While not in practice with her clients, Jasna lovingly offer her service with humility and compassion for the receptions at our practices in Spring Hill, Queensland and Goonellabah, Northern New South Wales.


Jasna's love and commitment for Medicine continues even for those who are easy to judge, and even to lie about who we are and what we do for our unwavering service in Medicine.  She is the voice of truth and purpose when some would sell their whole lifetime of integrity for something far less than the grandness they represent within the dignity of a human being.


"The ultimate testimonial is the mutual appreciation of the patient and the Physician who are equally aware of the next phase of Healing when health is being restored and love is returned through extraordinary partnership within the practice of Medicine, therefore it is part of undeniable truths felt deeply through the whole being"

(Sam Kim)

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